
Anna Dąbrowska about local integration policies -

  • What direction should local integration policies go?
  • How do we build ties with members of the community?
  • How should migration to Poland be managed?
  • How should reception, adaptation and integration processes be managed?
  • Who should manage these processes?
These and other questions are answered by Homo Faber CEO Anna Dabrowska in the article "Burning suburbs are a disaster caused by years of neglect, discrimination and violence," published in
We sincerely invite you to read the article.
Anna Dąbrowska: When we think about what's next, what's next in our cities, what's next for our old and new residents, those who have always lived here and those who have only recently moved here, that is, what about migrants and refugees, the word "integration" comes to mind most often, and what also comes to mind quite frequently is the question of building relationships between the new and old residents of our cities. What I suggest is that we think in general about ensuring certain well-being for all the people who live in our city. More about what this well-being is, how to understand it and how to implement it at the local level in an article I sincerely recommend to you.

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